Tuesday, 19 January 2010

The Long Awaited New Blog from Dollmakers The Old Pretenders

Those of you who visit regularly will be familiar with the incredible talents of dollmakers and restorers David & Paul, aka The Old Pretenders. I am pleased to announce that they have a new Blog, here is the link: theoldpretenders.blogspot.com, also listed in my favourite sites list!

PS - I couldn't resist posting a few more pics...


  1. Oh this is great!! I will have to book mark this. I absolutely love looking at these gems. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. I knew you would be pleased Phyllis, I was really thrilled when the boys emailed me their new blog details!

  3. Magnificent!
    And YOUR blog is as well!
    Sandra Evertson

  4. Thanks Sandra, I am glad you are enjoying the blog. plenty more beautiful, interesting & practical things to come!

  5. Does this mean that you've given up the Landskneckt and will be joining us more civilised folk in the 18thC then?

  6. Funny you should say that Grymm (do I know you?). While most historical periods really fascinate me, I am more interested in the 18th and early 19th century at the moment. I may be tempted to a Napoleonic show later in the year, who knows... x

  7. That y'do Lois. Ex Wolfbane =o) Now playing with Mannered Mob( http://www.manneredmob.com/ ) and Lace Wars(http://www.lacewars.co.uk/) , which means now tea, coffee, chocolate, rum, brandy, gin, baccy are all living history and I get pockets aaah the joy of pockets.
    Weird that I should stumble across you like this, I was searching for fabrics for me new waistcoat and there you was.

  8. Brilliant! It would be lovely to get back in touch, my email is loiscactus@yahoo.co.uk, I may well be interested, especially if there are pockets, baccy, brandy & coffee available, 4 of my favourite things in the whole universe, but not necessarily in that order! I shall look at the sites you suggest. Are you Grymm Grymmson on FB? x

  9. Just stopped in again to see these beauties!
